美國加州獨立電影節獎2015 – 傑出女主角獎 (馮寶寶)
The 2nd Noida International Film Festival 2015 in Greater Nodia, India –“The Best Actress - Feature Films” (Petrina Fung Bo Bo)
The Indie Fest 2014 - Award of Excellence: 電影長片
The Indie Fest 2014 - Award of Excellence: 男主角(張兆輝)
The Indie Fest 2014 - Award of Excellence: 女主角(李梓宸)
The Accolade Global Film Competition 2014 - Award of Excellence: 電影長片
The Accolade Global Film Competition 2014 - Award of Excellence: 男主角(張兆輝)
The Accolade Global Film Competition 2014 - Award of Merit: 女主角(李梓宸)